
Stellenbosch International Chamber Music Festival
Department of Music, Stellenbosch University
Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602 - South Africa

The Music Department is located in the centre of Stellenbosch University’s beautiful campus in the heart of the Western Cape winelands. The Endler Hall is equipped with a three manual Marcussen organ with 44 speaking stops. The hall has excellent acoustical cha­rac­teris­tics and has been acclaimed one of the finest concert halls in the world.

Address: Corner of Neethling and Victoria Streets, Stellenbosch - South Africa
GPS coordinates: -33.934087, 18.866516

We always happy to help you with any questions or requests.

Peter Martens
All inquiries related to the SICMF
Tel. +27 72 531 3235
Ticket info: +27 21 808 2358